LaserWriter 8 Driver: Printing an EPS File

I print an EPS file with the LaserWriter 8 printer driver options, I then click the Save button, and a dialog box appears with EPS and font options as shown below:
Option Format: PostScript print
EPS Mac standard preview
EPS Mac enhanced preview
EPS no preview

Font Options: No fonts
All fonts

I want to print to an EPS file with all fonts included and then import the EPS file into Quark Express. In order to ensure the import is correct a preview of the EPS file in Quark Express should be available after importing. With the options listed above it seems this would be possible, however, I cannot get Quark Express to work this way.

How does preview in EPS files work? What are the differences between standard and preview format? What format should I use to enable standard Macintosh applications preview the content of a EPS file?
We have enclosed a description of all of the options when you select a destination of Save to disk. The EPS Standard Preview contains an equivalent 72 dots per inch (dpi) bit image copy of the original applications image. The Enhanced Preview is a copy of the file as originally generated by the application. Quark XPress can import and print EPS, but it has an issue displaying these images -- an issue Quark intends to resolve. They could not provide a time frame for when the fix will be available, so you may wish to check back with them periodically.

Being able to import and/or display EPS files are options you will find in some but not all applications. It is up to the discretion of the developer to support or not support this feature.

In a EPS file, the PostScript is stored in the data fork, and the screen image is stored as a PICT resource #256. For a third-party application to display the EPS file, the application must look for the PICT resource to read and display the image. Again, not all applications support this feature.

Save option descriptions

The LaserWriter 8 dialog offers many options including the ability to select a Destination that specifies where to send the driver's output:

Printer: send to hardcopy printer.
File: send to a disk file.

If you are using LaserWriter 8f or Fax PPD, another Destination becomes available:

Fax: send to a fax-capable output device for fax transmission.

After selecting the Save you are given a choice of formats in which to save the file:

PostScript Job

A copy of the driver's PostScript output, exactly as it would have been sent to the output device. The file is formatted for the currently targeted output device with whatever features and options are currently in effect, and conforms fully to Adobe Document Structuring Convention (DSC).

EPS Mac Standard Preview

A single page image (typically an illustration) in Encapsulated PostScript form in the file's data fork, along with an equivalent 72-dpi bit image in the resource fork for displaying the page on the Macintosh screen. The bit image is obtained by playing back and rasterizing the 'PICT' resource representing the page in the document's spool file, as originally generated by the client program.

EPS Mac Enhanced Preview

A single page image (typically an illustration) in Encapsulated PostScript form in the file's data fork, along with an equivalent 'PICT' resource in the resource fork for displaying the page on the Macintosh screen. This is a copy of the same 'PICT' representing the page in the document's spool file, as originally generated by the client program.

EPS No Preview

A single page image (typically an illustration) in Encapsulated PostScript form in the file's data fork, but without an associated preview image in the resource fork. This form is intended for transfer to other, non-Macintosh platforms.

Font Inclusion controls the inclusion of downloadable fonts in the PostScript output file:


Includes no fonts; assume all needed fonts are already available on the target device. In place of the fonts themselves, the PostSript output will include a DSC %%IncludeFont comment for each font used in the document.


Include all fonts used in the document that are available on the host Macintosh.

All But Standard 13

Include all fonts used in the document that are available on the host Macintosh, except the core set of thirteen standard typefaces that are built into virtually all PostScript printers (Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique, Courier, Courier-Bold, Courrier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique, and Symbol).

Specifies whether to save the output file in 7-bit ASCII or 8-bit binary format:

ASCII Save file in 7-bit ASCII format.

The resulting file contains no characters outside the range 32127 ($20$7F). In particular, it contains no control characters, and thus is suitable for transmission across ASCII-transparent communication channels such as asynchronous serial.

Binary Save file in 8-bit binary format.

The resulting file is typically smaller than the corresponding file in ASCII format (particularly if it contains sampled image data), but is suitable for transmission only across 8-bit-transparent communication channels.

Level 1 Compatible/Level 2 Only
Specifies the level of PostScript compatibility for the output file:

Level 1 Compatible: Compatible with all PostScript devices.

The file includes code to test the level of the device's PostScript interpreter and emulate the effects of Level 2 features on devices that do not support them directly. Level 2 features that cannot be emulated efficiently in Level 1 are suppressed.

Level 2 Only: Compatible with PostScript Level 2 devices only.

Assumes the availability of all Level 2 features and generates no level-checking or emulation code. The file may include Level 2 features (such as data compression for sampled images) that cannot be emulated efficiently in Level 1. Output files in Level 1 Compatible format tend to be larger than Level 2 Only files, both because of the additional emulation code they contain and because they cannot take advantage of Level 2 data-compression techniques. Files in Level 2 Only format are smaller, but will typically cause PostScript errors when printed on a Level 1 device.

The default setting is Level 1 Compatible.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012