The password for this workstation is no longer valid. If you know the new password for the workstation, choose Workstations from the Setup menu and use the Workstations dialog box to remove the workstation from the list then add it to the list again, entering the new password when requested.
Applications are open
You tried to replace the System Folder or delete all of the other items on a workstation's hard disk when an application was open on the workstation. You must first quit all of the open applications on the workstation. Ask the user to quit all of the applications, or choose Quit Applications from the Manage menu to quit the applications. You can also choose Control from the Interact menu, then quit any open applications.
Application not found
You tried to open an application or a document of an application that is not installed on the workstation. Use the Copy Items command to copy the application to the workstation. (Make sure that your licensing agreement allows you to copy the application.)
AVP: Channel XX
The workstation is displaying TV channel XX using the Apple Video Player.
Command failed
The last command failed to execute on the workstation. This may be because of the applications that are open on the workstation. Ask the user to quit all of the applications, or choose Quit Applications from the Manage menu to quit the applications. You can also choose Control from the Interact menu, then quit any open applications. After you quit the applications, try the command again. If the command still fails, try restarting the workstation.
Command not authorized
You do not have permission to perform the command you tried on the workstation. Before you can use the command, either you or the user must change your access privileges on the workstation using Network Assistant Security. You may have permission to perform other commands on the workstation.
Communication error
Network Assistant was unable to send the last command to the workstation because the workstation is not operating properly or there was a high level of network activity. Create a Network Performance Report for this workstation and several workstations near it to determine whether there are issues communicating with this particular workstation. If the report indicates that all the workstations are performing at the same level, try the command again. If the command continues to fail, try restarting the workstation. If this issue occurs often, there may be a issue with your network.
Copying Items
This message appears when items are being copied to a workstation using Network Assistant. If the message is dimmed, the Copy Items or Copy Hard Disk command is being executed from another administrator's workstation.
Deleting Items
This message appears when items are being deleted from a workstation using Network Assistant. If the message is dimmed, the Delete Disk or Delete Selected Items command is being executed from another administrator's workstation. The workstation would not be available for other commands until it has finished deleting the items.
Disk Full
You tried to copy items to the workstation, using the Copy Items or Copy Hard Disk command, and it doesn't have enough free disk space for the new items. To determine how much free disk space is available on the workstation, create a System Information Report. If you want to delete items from the workstation, you can create a Software Search Report and delete any unnecessary items. You can also choose Control from the Interact menu, then delete items from the workstation's hard disk.
File transfer error
An error prevented you from copying items to this workstation. Restart the workstation and try the command again. If this issue continues, use the Disk First Aid application (available on the Disk Tools disk or the system software CD-ROM that came with your computer) to check the workstation's hard disk.
Generating Report
This message appears when Network Assistant is creating a report that includes the workstation. If this message is dimmed, the report is being created from another administrator's workstation. The workstation would not be available for other commands until the report is complete.
Incompatible hardware
You tried to copy system software to a workstation that cannot support this software. You can copy the System Folder from a 680XX workstation only to other 680XX workstations. You can copy the System Folder from a Power Macintosh only to other Power Macintosh computers.
Incompatible printer
You tried to update printer settings on a workstation that has printing software different from that on your workstation. You can update the printer settings only on workstations that have the same printing software as your workstation. For example, if your workstation has QuickDraw GX installed, the other workstation must have QuickDraw GX installed.
Item exists
You tried to copy an item to a location on the workstation that has an item with the same name. After you cancel the copy command, this message indicates which workstations already have the item. Create a Software Search Report to find out more information about the item. You can then delete or replace it.
Item not found
You tried to open or delete an item that could not be found on the workstation. If you want to open the item on the workstation, choose Copy Items from the Manage menu to copy the item to the workstation.
Item in use
You tried to delete or replace an item on the workstation when the item is open or in use by an application. Ask the user to close the item or quit the application, or choose Quit Applications from the Manage menu to quit the application. You can also choose Control from the Interact menu, then close the item or quit the application. After you have closed the item or quit the application, try the command again. If the command continues to fail, try restarting the workstation.
Locked Screen
This message appears when a workstation's screen is locked using Network Assistant. Choose Lock Screen to unlock the screen. If the message is dimmed, the screen was locked from another administrator's workstation.
Modal dialog on screen
A dialog box appears on the workstation's screen and must be closed before the command can be performed on the workstation. Ask the user to close the dialog box. You can also choose Control from the Interact menu, then close the dialog box. Once the dialog box is closed, try the command again.
Monitor setting invalid
You tried to change the monitor settings for a workstation (using the Change System Settings command) to a number of colors that is not supported by that workstation.
Network Assistant open
Certain commands, such as Restart, Control, and Share Screen, cannot be executed on a workstation where Network Assistant is open. Ask the user to quit Network Assistant.
Not enough memory
There is not enough free random-access memory (RAM) on the workstation to execute the last command. Many of the commands you can perform on another workstation using Network Assistant require some memory on the other workstation. For example, sharing a screen can require several hundred kilobytes of free memory. To free memory on the workstation, ask the user to quit all open applications, or choose Quit Applications from the Manage menu to quit the applications. You may be able to choose Control from the Interact menu, then quit open applications. After you have quit the applications, try the command again.
Old Assistant software
This message appears when a workstation has a version of the Network Assistant workstation software that is older than the version of Network Assistant you are using. You must install the new version of the workstation software on the workstation before you can administer it.
Rebuilding Desktop
This message appears when the workstation's desktop database is being rebuilt using Network Assistant. If the message is dimmed, the Rebuild Desktop command was executed from another administrator's workstation. The workstation would not be available for other commands until rebuilding the desktop database is finished.
Screen: name
This message appears when the screen of workstation name is being displayed on this workstation's display. Choose Share Screen to stop sharing the screen on the workstation. If the message is dimmed, the Share Screen command was executed from another administrator's workstation.
Screen sharing active
Certain Network Assistant commands cannot be executed on a workstation that is currently using screen sharing. Before you can use this command, you must choose Share Screen from the Interact menu to stop screen sharing on the workstation.
Slow network connection
Your network connection does not support screen sharing, controlling, or observing. To use these features of Network Assistant, the workstations must be connected to Ethernet or another network of similar performance.
Sound hardware in use
You tried to talk to a workstation where an application is recording a sound using the computer's sound input hardware. Ask the user to stop recording sound on the workstation, then choose Talk from the Interact menu again.
Talk not supported
You tried to talk to a workstation that does not have a built-in microphone or does not allow you to play a sound while it is recording a sound. You can still use the announce feature of Network Assistant with the workstation.
Unable to delete item
The command to delete an item failed for an unknown reason. You may be able to choose Control from the Interact menu, then delete the item. If this fails, use the Disk First Aid application (available on the Disk Tools disk or the system software CD-ROM that came with your computer) to check the workstation's hard disk for issues.
This message appears when Network Assistant is unable to communicate with a workstation; for example, if the workstation is turned off. The message also appears in these cases:
2. Open the Chooser on the workstation to see if the workstation is connected to the network and to verify that the workstation is in the zone it was in when you added it to the workstation list. If the workstation is in a different zone, choose Workstations from the Setup menu and use the Workstations dialog box to remove the workstation from the list then add it to the list again.
3. Open the Sharing Setup control panel on the workstation to verify that the Macintosh name has not changed since you added it to the workstation list. If the workstation's Macintosh name has changed, choose Workstations from the Setup menu and use the Workstations dialog box to remove the workstation from the list, then add it to the list again. If you cannot identify the issue or the workstation continues to be unavailable, try restarting the workstation.