Power Macintosh G3: Error in Apple Video Player on Second Monitor

This article discusses an issue with Power Macintosh G3 computers with multiple monitors using Apple Video Player.
The Power Macintosh G3 desktop and minitower computers include an ATI 3D RAGE II+DVD Graphics Controller chip on the logic board to provide on-board video. Power Macintosh G3 computers use the audio/video card option to provide video in/out capabilities. The audio/video card works in conjunction with the on-board ATI 3D RAGE II+DVD Graphics Controller chip to provide video-in services.

When an application is trying to capture video on a monitor attached to a PCI video card, the ATI chip's services are not available and returns an error to the application (ie. Apple Video Player) requesting video-in services. This symptom can also occur if the menu bar is on the monitor attached to the PCI video card.

For this reason, Power Macintosh G3 users should always capture video on the monitor that is attached to the on-board video connector to avoid this error message. Addtionally, the menu bar should be on the monitor attached to the on-board video connector.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012