PowerBook G3 Series: Menu Bar Items are Covered

This article discusses a menu bar viewing issue with PowerBook G3 Series computers, Now Up To Date, and Now Contact.
After you install Now Up To Date and Now Contact, you may notice menu bar items are covered by other items or they are not drawn completely. To correct this situation, you need to turn the QuickContact control panel and QuickDay control panel off.
Turning off the QuickContact and QuickDay control panels should get the menu bar back to normal again. Another workaround is to turn off the clock using the Date and Time control panel.

Note: Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series computers should not be confused with Macintosh PowerBook G3 computers. Though the names are similar, there are significant differences. To visually identify which type of computer you have, close the display and inspect the display case. A Macintosh PowerBook G3 has a small, six-color Apple logo on the display case. A Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series computer has a large Apple logo on the display case that is not six-colored.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012