Apple Displays Software 1.5.5: Read Me

This article is the Read Me for Apple Displays Software 1.5.5
Apple Displays Software 1.5.5 was released on November 7, 1997. It requires US System 7.5 or greater running on a 68040 or PowerPC based Mac OS computer. System 7.1.x customers should use AppleVision 1.5.3 or earlier.

Previously known as AppleVision software, this version includes the following changes from AppleVision 1.5.3:

This software consists of two Disk Copy NDIF (New Disk Image Format) compressed images, which require Disk Copy 6.1 or later to use. Download this software to your hard drive and then double-click it to use it. Disk Copy is available in the Utilities folder in the Apple Software Updates Library.

Disk Copy 6.1 (or later) or Disk Image Mounter 2.1 (or later) from Apple are the recommended applications to access all disk images released by Apple and are the only supported applications to access NDIF disk images.

Information About Your Apple Displays Software

This document contains important reminders and the latest product information.

Installation and usage tips

Important: If you upgrade your system software, you should reinstall the Apple Displays software.The Apple Displays software version 1.5.5 can be used by all Apple monitor customers, including ColorSync Displays and other Mutiple Scan monitors. Any references to an AppleVision Display is the same as the Apple ColorSync Display.

For Apple ColorSync Displays

Sound tips

If your Apple monitor has speakers and a built-in microphone, the following tips may help you:

Notes about Macintosh (or Mac OS) Guide

Files installed with Apple Displays Software version 1.5.5

The following files are installed by the Apple Displays software installer, unless a newer version of the same file is already installed on your system.

DigitalColor Meter1.1Apple Menu Items
Monitors & Sound1.3.2Control Panels
ColorSync System Profile2.1Control Panels
Control Strip1.4.1Control Panels
Energy Saver (only installed for non-PCI Macintosh users)1.1Control Panels
Display Enabler (note space before the D in the name)2.2.2Extensions
73/75/76/8500 Graphics Driver1.4Extensions
Apple Guide2.1.1Extensions
PANTONEColor Picker2Extensions
Sound Manager3.2.1Extensions
AV Monitors Guide2.1.2Extensions:Global Guide Files
DigitalColor Meter Guide 1.1.2Extensions:Global Guide Files
Monitors & Sound Guide2.2.1Extensions:Global Guide Files
Monitor Bitdepth1.0.2Control Strip Modules
Monitor Resolution1.0.2Control Strip Modules
Sound Volume1.4.1Control Strip Modules
ColorSync Profiles-Preferences:ColorSync Profiles
Apple Displays Read Me1.5.5Apple Extras:Apple Displays Software Extras
SimpleText1.3.1Apple Extras:Apple Displays Software Extras
Monitors7.5.6Apple Extras:Apple Displays Software Extras
Sound8.0.5Apple Extras:Apple Displays Software Extras


Copyright 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, AppleVision, ColorSync, Mac, Macintosh, Macintosh Quadra, PowerBook, Macintosh Centris, Power Macintosh, and QuickTime are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

PANTONE, PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM, PANTONE Process Color System, PANTONE Color Picker, and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. Portions copyright Pantone, Inc. 1995.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012