Apple CD-ROM Driver: Support For ATAPI CD-ROM Drives

This article describes the support provided by Apple's CD-ROM driver for ATAPI drives.
Support for ATAPI CD-ROM drives (such as in the PowerBook 1400) was first introduced in version 5.2 of the Apple CD-ROM driver.

The current version of the Apple CD-ROM driver supports both Apple and industry standard ATAPI CD-ROM drives. Qualified ATAPI version 2.6 compliant drives should have full multimedia support. UDF support has been included in all drivers.

There are CD-ROM drives that do not support all of the ATAPI specification, and therefore cannot be accessed by the Apple CD-ROM driver.

Apple has not tested or qualified any third party drives. Nonetheless, if the drive manufacturer conforms fully to the ATAPI 2.6 standard, it should work.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012