iMac: Microphone Only Records At 44.100 kHz Sampling Rate

Using SimpleSound version 1.1 on an iMac computer sounds can only be saved at a sample rate of 44.100 kHz.

This article describes how to change the sample rate to 22.050 kHz on iMac computers.
The iMac computer supports 16-bit CD-quality stereo input/out; additionally, the iMac computer has a fixed sampling rate of 44.100 kHz. Since the sampling rate is fixed at 44.100 kHz, sampling at 22.050 kHz is not possible on iMac computers.

How to resample sounds to 22.050 kHz

The iMac computers ship from Apple with QuickTime 4 basic edition. One of the most useful applications included with QuickTime 4 is QuickTime Player. With QuickTime 4 basic, QuickTime Player is simply a media player. With the QuickTime Pro Player, users can import/export any sound document into and out of QuickTime Player. For information on updating QuickTime 4 to the Pro version, check out Apple's QuickTime web site on the internet at:


QuickTime Player can easily downsample SimpleSound documents to lower sample rates. To downsample a SimpleSound document to a lower sample rate, QuickTime Pro users can do the following:

Why Resample?

Sounds stored in 44.100 kHz can take up large amounts of file space. For example, one minute of music audio can be 10 MB in size using 44.100 kHz, whereas by resampling the same audio to 22.050 kHz the file will be 5 MB in size. Further reduction to the file can be made using various compression formats. However, as a general rule, as audio files are compressed and resampled, they lose quality. Depending on type of audio file this may be acceptable.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012