How To Use America Online To Register With Apple

This article describes how to register an Apple product via America Online.
If you wish to use America Online to register your iMac over the Internet, open America Online and connect to the Internet. Go to the AOL Web Browser, and enter the following Apple Registration Server URL:

If you would rather NOT use the AOL Web Browser, after you open America Online and connect to the Internet, open the "Register with Apple" application on the desktop.

Once you see the dialog window above, click the "Connect Now" button. This opens the configured browser and takes you to the Apple Registration Server.

Note: The only purpose of the "Register with Apple" application is to take you to the Apple Registration Server ( through the Internet browser of your choice.

For more information on the "Register with Apple" application, please see article 58025: "iMac: How To Get Onto The Internet"
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012