AppleShare IP 6: MacDNS And Miscellaneous FAQ

This article contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding AppleShare IP 6 (Mac DNS and miscellaneous), with answers to those questions.

Questions answered in this article:
  1. Should I set up my MacDNS server to point to itself for domain name services?
  2. I want to set up an Intranet which will not have access to the Internet. Can this be done with MacDNS?
  3. How do I set up an MX-record with Mac DNS?
  4. Can I still use ARA MultiPort Server on my AppleShare IP file server?
  5. Can I use ARA Personal Server on my AppleShare IP Server?
  6. What are the port numbers used by the various AppleShare IP Services?
  7. What is Multi-Homing? Does it mean I can route different network segments thru my AppleShare IP server?
  8. Why do I get an error -5000 or "File or volume access denied" message?
  9. PutQuestionNineHereOnThisLine
  10. PutQuestionTenHereOnThisLine

Question 1: Should I set up my MacDNS server to point to itself for domain name services?

Answer: Yes. You should list the server's domain name in the Name Server Address field of the TCP/IP control panel. You can also include a second DNS server, such as your ISP's.

Question 2: I want to set up an Intranet which will not have access to the Internet. Can this be done with MacDNS?

Answer: Yes. Please see the MacDNS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for details. Also refer to the "MacDNS Admin Guide," which is included with the AppleShare IP install.

Question 3: How do I set up an MX-record with MacDNS?

Answer: There are instructions and examples on setting up the MX-record in the "MacDNS Admin Guide" included with the AppleShare IP install. For additional information, also see MacDNS Frequently Asked Questions.

Question 4: Can I still use ARA MultiPort Server on my AppleShare IP file server?

Answer: ARA MultiPort Server 2.0 and later are not supported by AppleShare IP 6.

Question 5: Can I use ARA Personal Server on my AppleShare IP Server?

Answer: Yes. However, you must install ARA Personal Server first and then install AppleShare IP 6. AppleShare IP 5.0.2 or later will allow you to make additional changes to user's dial-in access options from AppleShare IP.

Question 6: What are the port numbers used by the various AppleShare IP Services?

Answer: Here is a table:

AFP over TCP
IMAP Admin
Domain Name Server

Question 7: What is Multi-Homing? Does it mean I can route different network segments thru my AppleShare IP server?

Answer: Multi-homing provides the ability for one computer to be connected to up to four different and unique AppleTalk network segments. This is possible thru network ports installed in the computer via built-in ports and network expansion cards. Please note that multi-homing does not bridge or route those network segments into a LAN. The network segments will not see each other by being connected to this one computer, but clients on the unique network segments will all see the AppleShare IP 5.0 server. This multi-homing feature can only be enabled with the AppleShare IP 6 File Server.
Note: AFP over TCP services can only be available on one of the four AppleTalk Network segments.

Question 8: Why do I get an error -5000 or "File or volume access denied" message?

Answer: An application may be attempting to copy a file that's located in a write-only folder. You will have to either see if it is the application not using proper read and write procedures in its activities or the folder's access privileges need to be set to read and write.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012