Sherlock: Internet Config Conflict

I am having trouble using Sherlock. When I try to perform an Internet search, I get an error dialog stating, " A network error occurred. Check your network connections and settings, then try again." Can you help?
This error message may appear for a number of reasons. One possible cause is having an older version of Internet Config.

There is an Internet Config preference property (kICUseHTTPProxy) that is defined to be a boolean (1 byte). It has not been determined exactly which application does this, but at least one application sets this to be a word (2 bytes). When Sherlock asks Internet Config for this preference property, an error is returned because Sherlock is asking for a byte, but the property is stored as two bytes.

Follow these steps to work around the issue (Mac OS 9.1 users should skip Steps 2 and 3):

This resets the kICUseHTTPProxy Internet Config preference property to be stored as a byte instead of 2 bytes.

For related information, please see the following articles:

Article 24841: "Sherlock: 'A Network Error Has Occurred' Message"
Article 24894: "Sherlock: Can't Find ICAp;InternetConfigLib"
Article 60763: "Mac OS: Type 3 or Type 10 Error May Occur if Internet Config Is Missing"
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012