This error message may appear for a number of reasons. One possible cause is having an older version of Internet Config.
There is an Internet Config preference property (kICUseHTTPProxy) that is defined to be a boolean (1 byte). It has not been determined exactly which application does this, but at least one application sets this to be a word (2 bytes). When Sherlock asks Internet Config for this preference property, an error is returned because Sherlock is asking for a byte, but the property is stored as two bytes.
Follow these steps to work around the issue (Mac OS 9.1 users should skip Steps 2 and 3):
1. Open the Internet control panel.
2. Choose User Mode from the Edit menu; a dialog box appears.
3. Choose Advanced User Mode by clicking its radio button; then click OK to dismiss the dialog box.
4. Click the Advanced tab in the Internet control panel.
5. Click the Firewalls icon in the scrolling list.
6. Click the Web Proxy checkbox to select it.
7. Choose Save Settings from the File menu.
8. Click the Web Proxy checkbox to deselect it.
9. Choose Save Settings from the File menu.
This resets the kICUseHTTPProxy Internet Config preference property to be stored as a byte instead of 2 bytes.
For related information, please see the following articles:
Article 24841: "
Sherlock: 'A Network Error Has Occurred' Message"
Article 24894: "
Sherlock: Can't Find ICAp;InternetConfigLib"
Article 60763: "
Mac OS: Type 3 or Type 10 Error May Occur if Internet Config Is Missing"