2. Enter the new page margins (if required) in the Document window.
3. Enter the new work area in the size section of the Document window.
4. Click OK.
2. Add the left and right margins together.
3. Subtract the sum of the left and right margins from 8.5.
8.5 is the page width in inches.
4. Multiply the result by 72.
(one inch = 72 at 72 DPI or 300 at 300 DPI)
5. Enter this result in Pixels Across.
6. Add the top and bottom margins together.
7. Subtract the sum of the top and bottom margins from 11.
11 is the page length in inches.
8. Multiply the result by 72.
9. Enter this result in Pixels Down.
To change the margins from 1-inch to one-half inch (0.5), the pixel size would be