"The application <name> could not be opened because "<some>Lib" could not be found."
The file that the computer could not find always has "Lib" in its title. Is there some common thread to this kind of error message?
Unfortunately, any of these can (and almost always do) contain many shared libraries. Therefore, the error messages referring to the missing library do not always refer to a specific file. However, the error message can still help you narrow down to a few files.
For example:
Suppose you try to open the File Sharing control panel and get a message about "OTUtilityLib" missing. If you know that "OT" is a common abbreviation for "Open Transport", the networking software for Mac OS (since System 7.5.2), then you would know to look for extensions with "Open Transport" in the title. This makes sense since the File Sharing control panel is for letting us share files over a network. Naturally, we need the networking software.
In this case, some of the required files also have names starting with "OpenTpt". Sometimes the abbreviation of file names makes this harder than it would otherwise be.
You can get these error messages if the file is disabled in the Extensions Manager control panel, missing from the hard drive altogether or damaged.
To turn on disabled extensions:
To reinstall missing or damaged extensions: