AppleShare IP 6.2 : Sherlock Share Point indexing

I can index the volumes of my AppleShare server, but in order to perform a Sherlock search, I have to be logged in as the Admin or otherwise have access to the server volumes' root level. How can I index the Share Points so that my users can perform Sherlock searches with their own user logins?
When a volume is indexed from within the Sherlock application an invisible index file is written to the root level of that volume. AppleShare IP 6.2 allows one to perform indexing on a per Share Point basis. This method instead writes a similar index file to the root of the Share Point. With previous versions of AppleShare IP, Sherlock searches could only be conducted if a user had read access to the entirety of a given volume.

Indexing a Share Point through AppleShare IP 6.2 allows the administrator to set Find By Content privileges. The following steps will create a searchable Share Point:

Step One
Launch the AppleShare IP Web & File Admin.

Step Two
Select the "Show Disks & Share Points" item under the Server menu.

Step Three
Create a Share Point or select an existing one that you desire to have indexed.

Step Four
Set Privileges for that share point and click the "Sherlock Indexing..." button in the Privileges window. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: Privileges window.

Step Five
Set access privileges to the index based on the access privileges set for the share point. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: Setting privileges to the index.

Step Six
Mount the configured Share Point and perform a Find By Content search.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012