Also, Sherlock does not correctly update the index files under the Find By Content option. After deleting the FBC Indexing Preferences file, it still does not update the index files.
2. Delete the file named FBC Indexing Preferences; it is located in the Preferences folder within the System Folder.
3. Open Sherlock and click More Choices to enable a second search criteria.
4. In the first criteria line, set 'name is TheFindByContentFolder'. In the second criteria line, hold down the Option key to select visibility from the popup menu. The second criteria line should then read 'visibility is invisible'.
5. Click the Find button.
6. Select the found item in the Items Found window.
7. Choose Move To Trash from Sherlock's File menu. Click OK in the resulting dialog box; the item is deleted immediately.
8. Choose Index Volumes from Sherlock's Find menu.
9. In the Index Volumes window, select the desired disk for indexing, then click Update Index.
10. Click Update to index immediately, or Schedule for indexing later.