Apple DVD Player: "Disc may be dirty or scratched" message

The Apple DVD Player application displays an alert box with an error message about the disc being dirty or scratched. This document applies to Mac OS 9.2 or earlier.


The Apple DVD Player application displays an alert box with the following error message:


Upgrade to the latest version of the Apple DVD Player for your computer.

If you have a Macintosh with hardware-based DVD decoding, use Apple DVD Player 1.3, which is part of Mac OS 9. If your Macintosh has software decoding (if it came with Apple DVD Player 2.0 or later), check Apple Software Updates for the latest available version of Apple DVD Player.

If you have not upgraded to Mac OS 9, try these steps:

Turn off AppleTalk by opening the AppleTalk control panel, choosing User Mode from the Edit menu, clicking Advanced, clicking Options, clicking Inactive, then OK.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012