AppleWorks 5: "View Document in Browser" Opens Wrong Browser

This article explains how to view an AppleWorks 5 document in a browser.
Viewing HTML documents

With AppleWorks 5, you can view HTML documents in a browser by following these steps:

  1. Click the down arrow on the Button Bar and select Internet.
  2. In the Internet Button bar, there is a button to use the default browser to view your document (see Figure 1). This button sends an 'Open file' command to Internet Config, not an HTTP request.

Figure 1: The AppleWorks 5 "Launch Browser" button.

Changing browsers

To change the setting for which browser you want to use to view AppleWorks HTML files, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Internet control panel, which is in the Apple menu.
  2. If the Internet control panel does not display an 'Advanced' tab in its window, choose User Mode from the Edit menu, set the User Mode to Advanced, and click OK.
  3. Click on the Advanced tab, then click the Helper Apps icon.
  4. Select the item for 'open file' from the list on the right. You can change the settings by clicking the Change... button.

You can now set the Helper Application for 'open file' to your browser of choice.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012