AppleWorks 5: Creating and Printing Labels

AppleWorks 5 can be used to create and print out labels.
In order to create labels in AppleWorks 5, you must create and use an AppleWorks database document. Here are the steps:

Step One
Open the AppleWorks 5 application program by double-clicking the AppleWorks icon inside your AppleWorks 5 folder on your hard drive. You will then be presented with a window named New Document. This window allows you to choose the kind of new document AppleWorks will create.

Step Two
Select the Database option with your mouse and then click OK. This will bring up a window titled Define Database Fields. The Define Database Fields window allows you to choose how many different fields there will be for your database, what kinds of fields they will be, and what their names will be.

Step Three
The first field in the label created for this demonstration is the Name field. Type  Name  and then click Create. This will add the Name field to the list up above. Using this same method, enter in the other field names. Simply name the fields for Address, City, State and Zip Code and click Create after naming each one. You will then see the names of all the fields you have created in the list above. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: Define Database Fields window.

Step Four
Click Done after you have defined all the fields you need for your label. This will create a new database document with one blank record containing the fields you have defined. See Figure 2.

Figure 2: The First Record.

Step Five
Fill in the fields of this first record by selecting the individual fields with your mouse and entering text into each one. In order to create a new record, choose New Record from the Edit menu. Repeat the actions in Step Five until you have created a record in your database for each of the labels you want to create. See Figure 3.

Figure 3: The completed list.

Step Six
Choose AppleWorks Assistants... from the Help menu. You will then see a window titled Select Assistant. For a database document, the only available AppleWorks Assistant is the Create Labels Assistant. Select it from the list and click OK. This will start the Create Labels Assistant. This Assistant will walk you through setting up a layout for printing your labels.

For information on AppleWorks 6 labels, please see article 25264: "AppleWorks 6: Creating Labels"

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012