Final Cut Pro: "Out of Memory Errors" When Exporting EDL Files

This article discusses how to avoid getting Out of Memory errors when exporting EDL files from Final Cut Pro. It also covers how to correct this situation should it occur.

When an Edit Decision List (EDL) of any format is exported from a sequence containing video transitions in video tracks other than V1, Final Cut Pro may give an "Out of Memory" error message, possibly causing the computer to hang. To avoid this, remove all video transitions in video tracks other than V1.

EDL files support only A/B roll transitions, (called the V1 track in Final Cut Pro terms) so making this correction will not hinder you from creating desirable EDLs for export. To add transitions in other tracks, using Opacity Levels on superimposed video tracks instead of transitions will result in Key values being added to the EDL. This will produce the desired effect.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012