iBook, PowerBook (FireWire): Issue With Preserve Memory Contents On Sleep

This article provides a workaround for an issue that may prevent your iBook or PowerBook (FireWire) from waking up from sleep.
Note: For compatibility reasons, the Preserve Memory Contents on Sleep feature has been removed in Mac OS 9 versions 9.0.4 and later. You may still see the option in the Energy Saver control panel but it will be dimmed.

Apple has identified an issue in its system software that in very rare circumstances can prevent your computer from properly waking up from sleep. Though you will most likely never encounter this issue, all iBook and PowerBook (FireWire) owners should download and install the Sleep Memory Extension software patch, which eliminates this issue.

Note: This issue is addressed in Mac OS 9 Update (9.0.4). You do not need to install the Sleep Memory Extension if your computer is using Mac OS 9.0.4. Use the Software Update control panel to download and install the update. You can also download it from http://www.apple.com/support/downloads.

Installing the Sleep Memory Extension

To install the Sleep Memory Extension, do the following:

After restarting your computer, the "Preserve memory contents on sleep" checkbox still appears in the Energy Saver control panel, but the checkbox is dimmed and unavailable.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012