Mac OS 9: Brief Delay When Desktop First Appears

If you have set up your computer to automatically open a file server volume at system startup time, or have an alias of your hard disk in the Apple Menu Items folder, there may be a brief delay when the desktop first appears.


At system startup time, when the desktop first appears, the Finder appears to "freeze" for a brief period. For example, you cannot open a menu from the menu bar.


There are two reasons this may occur: if an alias of the hard disk is put into the Apple Menu items, or if a file server volume is opening at startup time.

Alias of Hard Disk in Apple Menu Items

If an alias of the hard disk is placed in the Apple Menu Items folder, the Finder must index the hard disk and build the menu for every item it finds. This can take a long time depending on the number of items and directory structure of the hard disk.

To prevent the delay at startup time, remove the hard disk alias.

File Server Opens at Startup Time

The brief delay may occur while the computer is attempting to connect to the file server volume(s) that you have chosen to automatically open at system startup time. Turning off this feature eliminates the brief delay.

If the server volume is available on the network, follow this procedure to no longer have it opened automatically at system startup time:

Figure 1 The checked volume will open automatically at system startup time

If the server volume is not available on the network, follow this procedure to no longer have it opened automatically at system startup time:

For more information on this issue and system responsiveness, please see the following articles:

Article 60544: "Mac OS 9: What Is The Servers Folder In The System Folder?"
Article 31175: "Macintosh: Reducing Startup Time"
Article 10182: "Mac OS: Rebuilding Desktop File and Icon Recovery"
Article 17697: "AppleShare Volumes: Disabling Automatic Log On"
Article 60400: "Mac OS 8.6: Computer Pauses Every Five Minutes On DHCP"
Article 22059: "Macintosh: Startup Sequence"

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012