WebObjects 4.5: JDK and Pentium 4 Compatibility Issue

This article describes an incompatibility between Sun's Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1.8, which ships with WebObjects 4.5, and Intel's Pentium 4 processor. This issue prevents Java applications from successfully opening or compiling.

The version of the JDK that ships with WebObjects 4.5 fails to properly identify Intel's Pentium 4 processor. When you attempt to open a Java application, Windows generates a Dr. Watson error against jrew.exe. The fault lies in the Symantec Just in Time compiler that ships with Sun's JDK. There is a workaround provided below that some customers have reported using successfully. However, it has not yet been tested or certified by Apple Computer. A certified solution will be provided in the near future.

Current workaround

  1. Download Sun's updated JDK 1.1.8_006 from http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/download-jdk-windows.html. This update adds support for the Pentium 4.
  2. Back up the old JDK shipped with WebObjects 4.5 located at $NEXT_ROOT/Library/JDK.
  3. Unpack and install the updated JDK into the $NEXT_ROOT/Library/JDK. See Sun's web site for detailed instructions and requirements before performing this step.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012