AppleShare IP: Web Server Plug-Ins Must Be on Startup Disk

Web plug-ins in the AppleShare IP Plug-Ins folder will load only if the Web Folder is on the startup disk of the server. This article explains how to move the Web Folder to the correct location.



Plug-ins in the Plug-Ins folder inside the Web Folder do not appear under the Plug-Ins tab in the Web Server Settings window of Mac OS Server Admin.




  1. Open the Mac OS Server Admin application and log on to the server; a miniwindow with graphic buttons appears (see Figure 1).

    Figure 1 Miniwindow with graphic buttons
  2. Choose Stop Web Server from the Web Services button in the Mac OS Server Admin miniwindow. (The Web Services button is portrayed with a global image of Earth.)
  3. Drag the Web Folder to the server's startup disk.
  4. Choose Configure Web Server from the Web Services button in the Mac OS Server Admin miniwindow; a window appears.
  5. Click the General tab within the window.
  6. Click Current Web Folder .
  7. Navigate to the Web Folder on the server startup disk.
  8. Click Choose.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Choose Start Web Server from the Web Services button in the Mac OS Server Admin miniwindow.
  11. If you wish, choose Disconnect (or Quit) from the File menu of the Mac OS Server Admin application.


Published Date: Feb 17, 2012