Follow these steps after you receive the script file from your ISP.
How to install a Terminal script
- Click the Finder icon in the Dock.
- From the Go menu, choose Go to Folder.
- Type "/Library/" and click Go.
- From the File menu, choose New Folder. Name the new folder "Terminal Scripts".
- Drag the terminal script file(s) to use into the Terminal Scripts folder.
- Follow the steps for "How to choose the connection script".
How to choose the connection script
- From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
- From the View menu, choose Network.
- Choose Internal Modem from the "Show" pop-up menu.
- Click the PPP tab.
- Click PPP Options.
- Choose your connection script from the Terminal Script pop-up menu.
Tip: If the Terminal Script pop-up menu is dimmed, click Cancel, then follow the steps for "How to install a Terminal script" above.
- Click OK.
- Click Apply Now.