Mac OS X: Opening and saving files on the Mac OS 9 desktop

Items on the Mac OS 9 desktop are kept in a folder named Desktop Folder, which is usually hidden. If you install Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 on the same disk, the Desktop (Mac OS 9) folder appears on your Mac OS X disk so you can see items on the Mac OS 9 desktop.
To open the folder in the Finder, double-click the Desktop (Mac OS 9) icon.

To open the folder when you save or open a document in a Mac OS X application, open Desktop (Mac OS 9) from the Open or Save dialog.

To open the Desktop Folder when you save or open a file from a Mac OS 9 application, click the Desktop button or choose Desktop from the pop-up menu in the Open or Save dialog.

Items on your Mac OS X desktop are kept in the Desktop Folder in your home.

Your computer will only start up in Mac OS X if Mac OS 9 is not available as a startup disk. To see your available startup disks, check the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences. You can still use most Mac OS 9 applications in the Classic environment of Mac OS X by opening the Classic pane of System Preferences and clicking Start, or simply double-clicking the application icon.

Note: The information is this document comes from Mac OS X Help, the help system included with your computer. It is based on Mac OS X 10.2. If a different version is installed on your computer, choose Mac Help from the Help menu. Updated and expanded information may also be available in other Knowledge Base documents.

Published Date: Feb 17, 2012