Mac OS X: Files With Leading Period Appear on a Windows-Compatible PC

Files whose filenames begin with a period (for example, ".filename") are normally invisible in Mac OS X. However, if you share disks between a Mac and a Windows-compatible computer, you can see the files. They should not be deleted.

Note: This document applies to Mac OS X 10.0 through 10.3.9.


Files whose filenames begin with a period "." appear on the disk when viewed with a Windows-compatible computer.

This can occur when you use writable, portable media with both a Mac and a Windows-compatible computer.


The files can be safely ignored and should not be deleted.

To make the files invisible when the disk is used on a PC, you can set the "hidden" attribute for the files within the view options. Refer to the Microsoft Windows Help documentation for instructions.

Published Date: Feb 17, 2012