Mac OS 9.2.2 (Italian): Alert "-15008" When Using Modem

An alert message appears when using Mac OS 9.2.2 with a dial-up modem. This may happen after using the Italian Restore DVD included with the eMac (ATI Graphics) and Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors 2003) computers.

This alert message appears when you try to use your modem:

"-15008, Consulta la Guida Apple O la documentazione di Remote Access per ulteriori informazioni Software Update preferencee pane questo tipo di errore."

This can happen when:


Follow these steps:

1. Move the file "Modem Preferences" to the Trash. It's located in the Preferences folder, which is inside the Mac OS 9.2.2 System Folder.

Important: Be careful not to delete the file "Preferenze Modem".

2. Empty the Trash, then restart.
3. After the computer restarts, open the Remote Access control panel and make sure your connection settings look right.

Note: The issue does not occur in Mac OS X.
Published Date: Feb 17, 2012