You see one of these symptoms when AirPort or Built-in Ethernet is selected in the Show pop-up menu of the Network preference pane:
- After you click the TCP/IP tab, DHCP and BootP do not appear as choices in the Configuration pop-up menu. The choices that appear include Manually, PPP, and AOL Dialup.
- This alert message appears when you click Apply Now:
"The System Configuration server (configd) is not available."
- When you open the Network preference pane, a status message of "Loading Network" appears for a long period of time.
- These messages may appear in the Console log:
- "Error: Configuration monitor failed to connect to configd server"
- "Error: Couldn't commit network database changes."
- "Error: Unable to obtain write access for system configuration database."
As a workaround, restart the computer.
If restarting doesn't fix the issue, try this:
1. Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities). Type these lines in Terminal (one at a time), following each line with a Return. Note that there is a space after each ".xml" below, but no space in "SystemConfiguration".
Note also that after the first "sudo" command you will be prompted for your admin password.
cd /var/db
sudo mv NetworkInterfaces.xml NetworkInterfaces.old
cd SystemConfiguration
sudo mv preferences.xml preferences.old
sudo mv
2. Quit Terminal when finished, then restart again.
This document will be updated as more information becomes available.