Mac OS X 10.2.8 or Earlier: Network Preference Pane Missing DHCP, BootP Options; Cannot Change Settings

If the system configuration server process (configd) unexpectedly quits, DHCP and BootP choices may not be available in the TCP/IP tab of the Network preference pane, and you may not be able to change Network settings.

You see one of these symptoms when AirPort or Built-in Ethernet is selected in the Show pop-up menu of the Network preference pane:


As a workaround, restart the computer.

If restarting doesn't fix the issue, try this:

1. Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities). Type these lines in Terminal (one at a time), following each line with a Return. Note that there is a space after each ".xml" below, but no space in "SystemConfiguration".

Note also that after the first "sudo" command you will be prompted for your admin password.

cd /var/db
sudo mv NetworkInterfaces.xml NetworkInterfaces.old
cd SystemConfiguration
sudo mv preferences.xml preferences.old
sudo mv

2. Quit Terminal when finished, then restart again.

This document will be updated as more information becomes available.

Published Date: Feb 17, 2012