How to search the System Directory with Find in Mac OS X 10.3

The Finder's Find feature can search many places on your computer's hard disk, but it doesn't search in the System directory by default. Learn how to configure Find to search /System.
To search in the System directory using Find:
  1. Click the Finder icon in the Dock.
  2. From the File menu, choose Find.
  3. Choose Specific Places from the "Search in" pop-up menu.

  4. Click the Add button.
  5. Navigate to /System, then click Open.

  6. Make sure that your Mac OS X disk or volume is also selected in the list of places to search.

The System directory should now available in the list of Specific Places.

To remove it from the list, select /System, then click Remove.

Tip: Searching the System directory can greatly increase the time it takes to perform your search. You should not normally need to search the /System directory because it only contains system software files, which you should not normally remove or modify.
Published Date: Oct 10, 2016