Mac OS 9.2.2: Remote Access "Answering" Option Doesn‘t Stay Selected; Can‘t Open Remote Access Control Panel
Learn what to do if you can't open the Mac OS 9.2.2 Remote Access control panel and the "Answering..." option doesn't remain selected when you restart the computer.
The Remote Access' "Answering..." option isn't selected after a restart and doesn't remain selected after the next restart.
After restarting the computer, you can't open the Remote Access control panel. This message appears:
"Remote Access requires the 'OpenTpt Remote Access' system extension which was not found in the Extensions folder. You may need to reinstall it, or restart the computer with extensions on."
After restarting, you can't open the Remote Access Status application. This message appears:
"Apple Remote Access version 3.0 (or later) is not installed on this computer. Apple Remote Access is software that allows you to connect to an AppleTalk or TCP/IP network using a modem."
Products affected
Mac OS 9.2.2
iBook (Late 2001)
iBook (14.1 LCD)
iBook (16 VRAM)
iBook (14.1 LCD 16 VRAM)
PowerBook G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
PowerBook G4 (DVI)
iMac (Flat Panel) with serial numbers earlier than xx303xxxxxx
iMac (Flat Panel 17-inch)
Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) - dual 1 GHz and dual 1.25 GHz models
Before restarting, open the Remote Access control panel.
Deselect "Answering..." in the Remote Access menu.
Open the Remote Access control panel.
Choose "Answering..." from the Remote Access menu.