Mac OS X 10.3: Restoring a Mac OS 9 System Folder from a disk image file

Follow these steps if your computer can't start from Mac OS 9 after restoring the System Folder from a custom image with Disk Utility. Disk Utility is an application that can repair disk issues and permissions, create disk images, and restore data from custom disk images.

This document applies to Mac OS X 10.3 through 10.3.3. Update to Mac OS X 10.3.4 or later to avoid this issue.

This document applies when:

The solution to these symptoms is to restore the image using a Terminal command instead of Disk Utility. The command is "asr". For more information about restoring from custom disk images with the asr command, see Mac OS X 10.2: About Apple Software Restore command line utility (asr).


If you're restoring from the custom disk image named "PHOBE.img" that is on the desktop, to a volume named "STEER", you'd do this:

  1. Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/).
  2. Type this command in Terminal, on one line:

    sudo asr -source ~/Desktop/PHOBE.dmg -target /Volumes/STEER/ -erase

  3. Enter your administrator account password when prompted.
  4. Quit Terminal after the restore is complete.

Published Date: Oct 11, 2016