Here's how to do it in the Finder:
- Open the Fonts folder you wish to look at. Fonts may be in more than one location.
- Select a font.
- From the File menu, choose Get Info (or press Command-I).
- Look at the "Copyright" line. If you see "Apple Computer" in the copyright, it's an Apple font.

- Repeat these steps for other fonts you want to check out.
And here's how you can do this with Mac OS X Panther Font Book, if you want:
- Hop on over to the Applications folder and open Font Book.
- From the Preview menu, choose Show Font Info (or press Command-I). If Font Info is already shown, you don't need to do this.
- Select each font you want to check out. Look in the Font Info section (which is below the preview).
- Look at the "Foundry" link. If you see "Apple Computer" in the copyright, it's an Apple font.

Tip: Just select one font at a time; "-" appears in all Font Info lines if more than one font is selected.
Tip: Want to see a complete list of fonts that can be installed by Mac OS X Panther? Check out
Mac OS X 10.3: Fonts list.
Some fonts that come with Mac OS X 10.3 do not have "Apple" on the Get Info-Copyright or Font Book-Foundry lines. They include:
- Arial, Arial Black
- Big Caslon
- Comic Sans MS
- Copperplate
- Courier New
- Didot
- GB18030 Bitmap
- Helvetica Neue
- Optima
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Webdings