These steps assume you have two computers, "A" and "B" below. You want to control computer B from computer A using ARD Administration. The computers are already configured so that B appears on A's computer list.
Both computers need ARD Client 1.2.1 or later installed.
- Open Terminal on computer B and enter these commands, each of which should be typed on one line. They would normally prevent it from being controlled by another computer:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminConsoleAllowsRemoteControl -bool false
sudo '/System/Library/CoreServices/ARD' -restart -agent
- With Remote Desktop running on computer B, try to control it from computer A (and verify that you can't).
- Open Terminal again on computer B and enter these commands, each of which should be typed on one line:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminConsoleAllowsRemoteControl -bool true
sudo '/System/Library/CoreServices/ARD' -restart -agent
- With Remote Desktop running on computer B, try to control from computer A again (and verify that it works).