Apple Remote Desktop: Controlling a computer that‘s running the ARD Administration application

Usually, a computer running the ARD Administration application can't be controlled by another computer's ARD Administration application. But if you have client version 1.2.1 or later, that computer can be controlled. Learn what you need to do to set this up.

These steps assume you have two computers, "A" and "B" below. You want to control computer B from computer A using ARD Administration. The computers are already configured so that B appears on A's computer list.

Both computers need ARD Client 1.2.1 or later installed.

  1. Open Terminal on computer B and enter these commands, each of which should be typed on one line. They would normally prevent it from being controlled by another computer:

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminConsoleAllowsRemoteControl -bool false

    sudo '/System/Library/CoreServices/ARD' -restart -agent
  2. With Remote Desktop running on computer B, try to control it from computer A (and verify that you can't).
  3. Open Terminal again on computer B and enter these commands, each of which should be typed on one line:
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminConsoleAllowsRemoteControl -bool true
    sudo '/System/Library/CoreServices/ARD' -restart -agent
  4. With Remote Desktop running on computer B, try to control from computer A again (and verify that it works).



Published Date: Feb 18, 2012