PowerBook G3 Series: Control Strip Contents Described

What are the modules in the PowerBook G3 Series Control Strip?
The Control Strip modules found in the PowerBook G3 Series are, from left to right:

Figure 1, PowerBook G3 series Control Strip modules

Battery Monitor
CD-ROM Controls
Energy Settings
File Sharing Settings
Hard Disk Spin Down
Expansion Bay (detailed below)
Monitor Bit Depth
Monitor Resolution
Printer Selection
Sound Volume
Sound Source
and, if an external Monitor is present, Video Mirroring (not shown)

Note: The Control Strip graphic above has been split in half to preserve space on the page.

Expansion Bay Control Strip
The media bay control strip shows the current status of expansion bay devices that are installed in the PowerBook. Because expansion bay devices can be hot-swapped (meaning you do not need to shut down to remove them), the control strip can reflect whether a device is installed, and the type of device.

The table below shows the state of the Control Strip in some of the various expansion bay device configurations.

What is installed
Strip Icon
Strip Icon on Mouse Down
Two expansion bay devices installed, left device is a battery.

Battery installed in left expansion bay.

Battery installed in right expansion bay.

No expansion bay devices installed.

When removing expansion bay devices, its important that the device has ejected any media that was being used.

Note: Macintosh PowerBook G3 Series computers should not be confused with Macintosh PowerBook G3 computers. Though the names are similar, there are significant differences. For more information differentiating between the computers, read article 24604: "PowerBook G3, G3 Series: Identifying Different Versions"
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012