Logic Pro 7: Nodes could not be found or failed to connect

Even though the computers are switched on and connected to gigabit Ethernet with the Logic Node application running, some Logic Nodes may not be found on the network.

When starting Logic Pro or relaunching the audio driver, you get one of these messages:

There are several possible causes for this, so you need to review each of the following to determine which affects your configuration.

The Computer's name contains a special character

When the node computer's name contains a special character such as an apostrophe or an umlaut, it may not be found on the network. Please make sure the computer names of node computers contain only alphanumerical characters.

To change the computer name:

  1. From the Apple Menu, choose System Preferences.
  2. From the View menu, choose Sharing.
  3. Change the name in the Computer Name field.
  4. Quit System Preferences.

It may also be necessary to delete this file before connecting to the node:


A Firewall is active on the Node computer

If a Firewall is active on the Node computer, the Node cannot be found because the port for the Node connection is blocked. Node computers cannot have an active Firewall.

To turn off all Firewalls off on the Node computer:

  1. From the Apple Menu, choose System Preferences.
  2. From the View menu, choose Sharing.
  3. Click FireWall.
  4. Click the Stop button.

The Node computer is in sleep mode

Node access does not wake up the Node computer from sleep mode. This may happen when Logic has not been running on the Logic master computer for a while. Either keep Logic running when nodes are connected, or set the sleep mode for the Node computer to Never in System Preferences.

To set the sleep mode:

  1. From the Apple Menu, choose System Preferences.
  2. From the View menu, choose Energy Saver.
  3. Click Sleep, and drag the top slider to Never.

Node not available

If a Node is set in Logic Pro > Preferences... > Audio > Nodes, then Logic Pro will try to connect to this Node at every start. If the Node is not available (either because the computer is down or the Logic Node application has been quit or not yet started), then you will see this alert.

The solution in this case is to Start the Logic Node application on the corresponding computer or remove it as a Node in the preferences.

This document will be updated as more information becomes available.

Published Date: Oct 7, 2016