Logic Pro 7: How to create an upbeat in the Score Editor

Learn how to manually create an upbeat in the Score Editor.

MIDI regions are normally created at the beginning of a bar. If you want to create an upbeat, the MIDI region will have to start before beat one of the bar. The Score Editor will then automatically display the notes before beat one as an upbeat.

In order to create an upbeat:

  1. Create an empty MIDI region with the pencil tool in the Arrange window.
  2. While holding the Option key, double-click the Region to open it in the Score Editor.
  3. Move the MIDI region or its left boundary in the Arrange window to the position where the upbeat starts (e.g. an eighth-note before beat one). You may also drag the region boundaries in the Score Editor. Simply grab and drag the region boundary indicator below the Bar Ruler to the desired position.
  4. Now you can enter the upbeat notes with the mouse in the Score Editor.

Changing the left Region boundary

Published Date: Oct 7, 2016