Logic Pro 7: SMPTE time code is not written from within Logic Pro

When setting the SMPTE mode to "Generate" (File > Song Settings > Synchronisation... > Unitor), the Unitor8 does not start writing SMPTE time code. The Write LED on the Unitor8 does not light up, and no SMPTE signal is created.

You can generate SMPTE time code from within Logic Pro with the MIDI interface Emagic Unitor8, but not if if a daisy chain of Unitor8 and AMT8 interfaces is connected to the computer and the first interface is an AMT8.

The Unitor8 should always be the first interface in the chain. AMT8 interfaces should be cascaded from the Unitor8. Otherwise, the extended synchronization features of the Unitor8 will not be available.

Using the application Unitor8 Control, you can stripe SMPTE from any device of the chain. Note: "Generate" can only be used for striping, not for realtime-synchronization.

Published Date: Oct 7, 2016