Mac OS X 10.3: Setup Assistant migration may transfer portable-only menu items to a desktop computer

Using Setup Assistant to transfer data from a portable Mac to a desktop Mac? Some portable-only Finder menu items may appear on the desktop computer after the transfer, but you can easily get rid of them.

For example, you may see a battery icon in the menu bar after using the migration option of the Setup Assistant. Desktop Macs don't have the ability to run on batteries like portable Macs do, so this menu does nothing on your desktop computer.

Want to make such a menu item disappear? Easy--just hold down the Command key as you drag the unwanted icon off the menu bar. Poof! The icon disappears into a cloud of virtual dust.

If this trick doesn't work with a third-party menu item, get in touch with the company that makes the software associated with the menu item.


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25773 Mac OS X 10.3: Transferring data with Setup Assistant frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012