How to update
After you have connected to the base station, follow these steps to update the firmware:
Advanced information
You may connect to a base station directly or indirectly. In a direct connection, communication passes from your computer to the base station that's being updated without going through any other device. If you only have one base station, your connection is always direct. The examples above are direct connections.
In an indirect connection, communication passes through a third device (usually another base station or router) to reach the base station that is being updated. This can happen on networks configured for roaming and/or WDS, or that have third-party routers or access points. Direct connections are preferred but not required.
Base station firmware 5.3 or later improves the ability to update the base station over an indirect connection (firmware 5.3 is included with AirPort software version 3.3 and is also available for separate download). If your base station has not been updated to firmware 5.3 or later, or if you are in the process of updating to version 5.3, a direct connection is the most reliable.
Updates over an indirect connection will not work under some circumstances when using firmware prior to 5.3, so they are not the preferred method. They do often work, however. Attempting to update over an indirect connection is worthwhile if it will save you the effort of making a direct connection to an inaccessible base station (such as one mounted in a ceiling). If the indirect update is not successful, connect directly.
Tip: The way you can tell that an indirect attempt has been unsuccessful is that AirPort Admin Utility will display the progress indicator (looks like a spinning pinwheel) for over three minutes, remaining unresponsive to other input. When this happens, choose Force Quit from the Apple Menu, select AirPort Admin Utility from the dialog, and click the Force Quit button.
Note: Mac OS X 10.2, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Windows XP users must download the 5.3 firmware separately. The AirPort 3.3 software is for Mac OS X 10.3 or later only. Links to the Windows AirPort Admin Utility and the latest firmware are on the AirPort support page .
Examples of indirect connection: