Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server 10.3: Copying files over network may result in incorrect locked file messages

Sometimes you might get a message that says a file is "locked," even though the Info window clearly indicates that the file isn't. This can be the result of file permissions.

This can happen when you copy a file to your computer over a network, using protocols such as AFP (Apple File Service or Personal File Sharing) or SMB (Windows file sharing), from a share point to which you have read-only access. The "locked" message may appear if you try to save changes to the file in certain applications, though it may work normally in others.

To resolve the issue, use the Info window to give yourself read-write permissions to the affected file or files.

  1. If only one file is affected, select it in the Finder. If multiple files are affected, put them in a new folder and select the folder.
  2. From the File menu, choose Get Info.
  3. In the Info window, click the disclosure triangle next to Ownership & Permissions.
  4. From the You can pop-up menu, choose Read & Write. (You may be asked to enter an administrator password.)
  5. If you selected a folder, click the Details disclosure triangle and then click the "Apply to enclosed items" button.
  6. Close the Info window.
Published Date: Oct 10, 2016