How Finder lists items that are sorted by name (Mac OS X)

Finder lets you sort your files and folders in windows in all kinds of ways—by name, by date modified, by size, and so forth. But have you ever wondered how Finder decides to organize these items when you view a window as a list by name (beyond alphabetizing them)?

In a nutshell, Finder uses these guidelines when it sorts names:

Taking these guidelines into consideration, if you had items named aaa, 111, zzz, _zzz, 11 10, 1110, and a0 in a window, Finder would sort their names as follows in a window viewed as a list:

Note: If you select all these items in the Finder window (Command-A), copy their names to the Clipboard (Command-C), and then paste them into a text document (or email), they will appear in a slightly different order.

Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger adds options

In Mac OS X 10.4, you can select language-specific sort orders in the Finder (or elsewhere). Open International preferences and click Language. Drag languages into the order your prefer to use in application menus, dialogs, and sorting. You can also choose from the "Order for sorted lists" pop-up menu.

The Unicode standard

Technically speaking, Finder sorting is based on the Unicode Collation Algorithm, defined by the Unicode Consortium. This standard provides a complete and unambiguous sort ordering for all Unicode characters, and is available on the Unicode Consortium website. Other operating systems or applications may use different rules that can make the same list of items sort in a different way.

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016