Logic 7: Changes to preference location, file name, and troubleshooting practices

Logic Pro 7 and Logic Express 7 both have different preference file names, compared to earlier versions. Additionally, these preferences are now set apart in a Logic subfolder of your Preferences folder. The new preference files are stored as follows:

Logic Pro 7: ~/Library/Preferences/Logic/com.apple.logic.pro
Logic Express 7: ~/Library/Preferences/Logic/com.apple.logic.express

If Logic 7 detects that the current preference file is missing (if you moved it for troubleshooting, for example), it will seek and load an older preference file if one exists on your computer. If you have an older version of Logic installed, its preference file is stored here:


Older versions of both Logic Pro and Logic Express used this earlier version of the preference file. Therefore, if you move your current preferences file for troubleshooting, be sure to move the older version as well (if applicable).

Additionally, there are some legacy preference files that you may wish to remove for troubleshooting Logic Pro and Logic Express 7.


The first of these legacy files stores control surface preferences. The second stores information regarding recently used folders, and so forth. The third is created by the Setup Assistant, and it stores the default song setup.

Finally, you may also find the Project Manager database from older versions of Logic Pro needs to be removed. This is found at:

~/Library/Preferences/Logic PM Data

Remove the Logic PM Data folder before launching Logic Pro 7.

With Logic Pro 7, the Project Manager database is located at ~/Library/Preferences/Logic/PM Data

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016