Logic Pro 7: Locations of EXS24 files

The EXS24 Sampler plug-in in Logic Pro uses several types of files to generate sound. An EXS24 "Instrument" consists of an instrument file, which contains information on the samples used and how they map to the MIDI notes that trigger them, as well as information on zone and group assignments. The instrument files for Logic's EXS Factory sounds are located at:

/Library/Application Support/Logic/Sampler Instruments

Any instruments you create will be stored at:

~/Library/Application Support/Logic/Sampler Instruments

Note: The tilde (~) represents your Home folder.

The audio files that the instruments refer to can be stored on any local drive. The samples for the sampler instruments that are installed with Logic are located at:

/Library/Application Support/Logic/EXS Factory Samples

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012