Logic Pro/Express 7.1: Crossfade parameters disappear for audio regions

In Logic Pro and Logic Express 7.1, crossfade settings in the Region Parameter box are not consistently displayed for all audio files. Normally, the Region Parameter box will display several settings for adjusting crossfades in selected regions.

Here are some situations where the crossfade settings in the Region Parameter box will not be available:

If you want to apply crossfades to a loop or region in either of the above situations, export the regions as audio files by doing the following:

  1. Select a loop or region and choose File > Export > Region as Audio File. Repeat for all other Apple Loops or Follow Tempo-enabled regions that you want to crossfade.
  2. Replace each Apple Loop or Follow Tempo-enabled audio region with its corresponding exported region.
  3. Select a region and apply crossfades using the settings in the Region Parameter box as you normally would.

Important: Do not make any tempo changes to the song after performing this workaround, as the exported regions will not follow subsequent tempo changes.

Published Date: Oct 10, 2016