About the WebObjects 5.2.4 Update

This document contains an overview and download information for the WebObjects 5.2.4 Update. WebObjects 5.2.4 is primarily for developers of WebObjects applications on Mac OS X 10.4. WebObjects 5.2 users who use the Xcode 2.0 development tool suite or plan to deploy their WO 5.2 applications on Mac OS X Server 10.4, Windows, or Solaris should also install this update. WebObjects 5.2.4 is formally qualified and supported on the Java 1.4.2 platform.

The WebObjects Current Patch List contains information on all available patches and updates for all versions of WebObjects. Read this document if you're not sure which update you need on your system.

More details are listed below, but these are highlights of the update:

This update also introduces the WebObjects Server Admin plug-in for Mac OS X Server 10.4 which will migrate the WebObjects StartupItems mechanism for auto starting WebObjects services to launchd-based services. The documentation for deploying WebObjects applications can be found at here, and this documentation has been updated to describe the features of Mac OS X Server 10.4

WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer for Mac OS X 10.4

Important: There are two mutually exclusive updates for this platform. If you have WebObjects 5.2 Developer installed on Mac OS X 10.4, you need the WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer update. If you have WebObjects 5.2 Deployment installed on Mac OS X Server 10.4, you need the WebObjects 5.2.4 Deployment update. You do not need both on any system.

This update is available through the Software Update feature of Mac OS X. If you use this method, only the proper update for the software which you have installed on your system is visible and available for download. If you prefer to download and install the package manually, follow the instructions below.

System requirements

WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer requires:

If you have not yet updated to the correct version of Mac OS X or Developer Tools, you must do so before installing WebObjects 5.2.4.

If you are creating a new Mac OS X WebObjects 5.2.4 development system, you should install the software in the following order:

  1. Mac OS X 10.4
  2. Xcode 2.0 Developer tools CD
  3. WebObjects 5.2 Developer

    Important: After installing WebObjects Developer 5.2 and restarting your computer, you will get a warning message about fixing permissions. You may choose to fix, ignore, or disable the issue without adversely effecting the installation or compromising the security of your system. The WebObjects Developer 5.2.4 Installer will fix the permissions issues.

  4. WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer

Manually installing WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer on Mac OS X 10.4

These instructions are for manually downloading and installing WebObjects 5.4 Developer. If you are installing using Software Update, see the previous section of this document.

System requirements

WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer requires:

If you have not yet updated to the correct version of Mac OS X, Java, or Developer Tools, you must do so before installing WebObjects 5.2.4.

  1. Go to Apple Downloads and get the WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer update. The disk image should expand after downloading, leaving WO524Developer.pkg.
  2. Open WO524Developer.pkg. The Authenticate panel opens. Important: Only an administrator can install the update.
  3. Type the proper administrator name and password to authenticate.
  4. Click OK to proceed. The Introduction panel appears.
  5. Click Continue. The Software License Agreement appears.
  6. Read the software license agreement, then click Continue.
  7. Click Agree to agree to the license agreement, and continue the installation.
  8. Select the volume containing Mac OS X and WebObjects 5.2 Developer.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Make sure that there are no WebObjects or EOF applications running.
  11. Click Install to proceed with installation. The Installer window displays information about the progress of the installation, which may take several minutes.
  12. Restart your computer.

WebObjects 5.2.4 Deployment for Mac OS X Server 10.4

This update is available through the Software Update feature of Mac OS X. If you use this method, only the proper update for the software which you have installed on your system is visible and available for download.

System requirements

If you have not yet updated to the correct version of Mac OS X Server, you must do so before installing WebObjects 5.2.4.

If you are creating a new Mac OS X WebObjects 5.2.4 deployment system, all you need to do is install Mac OS X Server 10.4.

Configuration tasks:

To configure and start the WebObjects services:

  1. Open the Server Admin application.
  2. Select the WebObjects service.
  3. Click the settings tab.
  4. Configure the wotaskd and monitoring services.
  5. Click the Start button.

Important: You do not need to manually edit the apache.conf file with the following line. We have already inserted it for you.

# Including WebObjects Configs Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf

Both Mac OS X 10.4 and Mac OS X Server 10.4 have a new, more reliable mechanism for keeping applications running. It is called "launchd". It supersedes the "SystemStarter" and "watchdog" processes of previous systems. See the man pages launchd(8) and launchctl(1) for more information. The Server Admin application uses the files at /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.wotaskd.plist and /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.womonitor.plist to configure the wotaksd and JavaMonitor applications; and launchd keeps the apps running, based on the information in these files. The scripts which formerly restarted the wotaskd or JavaMonitor process after a restart are no longer needed and can be deleted. The launchd process will launch these applications after restart for you and restart them if they crash for any reason. If you want to change the way the wotaksd and JavaMonitor applications are managed, that can be done with the facilities provided by launchd and its associated tools.

Installing WebObjects 5.2.4 on Windows 2000

System Requirements

WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer/Deployment requires:

If you see panels indicating that certain files being replaced by the update are "locked" during installation, click Reboot to continue the installation. The files will be replaced upon restarting.

This update cannot be uninstalled alone. Once you have upgraded to WebObjects 5.2.4 you cannot revert to a previous version of WebObjects 5.2. However, the entire WebObjects 5.2.4 installation can be uninstalled using the Add/Remove Programs control panel.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer update for Windows.
  2. Log in as a user with Administrator privileges.
  3. Make sure that there are no WebObjects or EOF applications running.
  4. Open WO524.exe to start the installation process. A screen appears with some information about this update.
  5. After you have read the information screen, click Next to continue. The license agreement for this update appears.
  6. To agree to the license and continue the installation, click Yes. The update will be installed on your system and you will be asked if you want to restart.
  7. Select "Yes, I want to restart my computer now" to restart Windows.
  8. The WinZip self-extractor automatically quits and removes its temporary files in about 20 seconds.

Installing WebObjects 5.2.4 on Solaris

System Requirements

WebObjects 5.2.4 Deployment requires:

If you have not yet updated to these versions, you must do so before installing WebObjects 5.2.4.

Follow these steps:

  1. Download the WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer update for Solaris.
  2. Download the update installation script patcher.sh.
  3. After you have downloaded the files, the patcher.sh script needs its executable bit set. At the command prompt enter:

    chmod 511 patcher.sh

  4. Log in as root.
  5. Ensure that there are no WebObjects or EOF applications running, including Monitor.
  6. If a web server is running on the computer on which you are installing the update, stop it.
  7. Stop WebObjects services (wotaskd and woservice) using the WOServices script. At the command prompt enter:

    cd $NEXT_ROOT/Library/WebObjects/Executables ./WOServices stop

    These services will restart when you restart the computer after installing the update.

  8. To Install the update, cd to the directory containing the update and the patcher.sh installation script. Then at the command prompt enter:

    patcher.sh -install WO524Solaris.tar.gzip

  9. For more information on using patcher.sh, at the command prompt enter:

    patcher.sh -help

  10. Copy the updated WODocument root to your web server's document root.

    cp -r $NEXT_ROOT/Library/WebObjects/WODocumentRoot/WebObjects <webserver doc root>/WebObjects

  11. Restart your computer.

Issues resolved in WebObjects 5.2.4

3397711: TITLE: EOEditingContext.refreshObject() breaks object observing mechanism.

ISSUE: EOEditingContext.refreshObject() breaks object observing mechanism. The root of the problem was that the refreshObject() called refaultObject(), which in turn cleared the object out of the updatedObjects list.

RESOLUTION: Refaulting objects with unsaved changes is now correctly handled. Changes would not be thrown away.

3485344: TITLE: WebObjects Builder consumed 100% CPU cycles whenever the src attribute of an IMG tag were set to an absolute URL.

ISSUE: Whenever a WebObjects Builder encountered an IMG tag whose src attribute was bound to an absolute URL, WebObjects Builder tried to fetch and display the content. However, the fetch sometimes led to an infinite loop and the time out mechanism for the fetch was broken.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3505762: TITLE: Documentation for NSLog Debug Groups Incorrect

ISSUE: Documentation for NSLog Debug Groups was Incorrect. The values are not listed in both numeric and alphabetic order.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3516904: TITLE: The performance on WebObjects Builder degraded significiantly when it encountered certain CSS contents, complex WebObjects Component or components with malformed html contents.

ISSUE: Certain CSS contents, complex WebObjects Components or components with malformed html contents could bring WebObjects Builder into a panic state, which led to a spinning wheel and a major performance hit.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3557641: TITLE: WebObjects Builder crashed upon opening certain WebObjects Components created with older version of WebObjects Builder.

ISSUE: Certain artifacts in a WebObjects Component created by older version of WebObjects Builder could make the latest version of WebObjects Builder crash.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3566580: TITLE: WOExceptionParser throws an exception.

ISSUE: Under certain circumstances, WOExceptionParser might throw an StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3596000: TITLE: Illegal state exception was thrown to suggest illegal lock usage.

ISSUE:In some uncommon cases an illegal state exception was thrown to suggest illegal lock usage. The root of the problem was that WOSession causes locking issues while disposing the EOEditingContext and putting the WOComponent to sleep.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3616063: TITLE: JavaClient does not handle save/delete consistently in some cases.

ISSUE: Adding a new record, saving, deleting, and then saving it again sometimes made Java Client applications throw an exception: "Save Failed: Server Exception: Attempt to insert null into an com.webobjects.foundation.NSMutableArray."

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3641431: TITLE: Incorrect HTML generated for JSImageFlyover

ISSUE: The HTML generated for JSImageFlyover was Incorrect.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3642302: TITLE: Boolean was not handled correctly in Direct to Web.

ISSUE: Boolean was not handled correctly in Direct to Web.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3720010: TITLE: Accessing an image via SSL within a WOComponent causes WebObjects Builder to crash.

ISSUE: Accessing an image via SSL within a WOComponent causes WebObjects Builder to crash. Content fetching via http/https was broken in WebObjects Builder.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3735980: TITLE: Restricting qualifiers are not correctly migrated across relationships during prefetching

ISSUE: Restricting qualifiers are not correctly migrated across relationships during prefetching

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3738943: TITLE: Removing observers from notification center prior to adding any observers throws an exception.

ISSUE: Removing observers from notification center prior to adding any observers throws an null pointer exception.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3739954: TITLE: WebObjects Builder could not handle the tag with absolute URL.

ISSUE: WebObjects Builder could not handle the tag with absolute URL.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3748926: TITLE: Certain debug information was logged to NSLog.err instead of NSLog.debug.

ISSUE: Information such as the URL for connecting to the WebObjects Application via WebServer went to NSLog.err instead of NSLog.debug.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3753879: TITLE: OpenBase distribution should be updated

ISSUE: OpenBase needs to be updated to a more current version that is compatible with Tiger.

RESOLUTION: OpenBase SQL 8 for Tiger is now bundled with WebObjects 5.2.4 Developer release.

3761296: TITLE: EOModeler loses track of Subversion hidden folder in eomodeld folder

ISSUE: EOModeler loses track of Subversion hidden folder in eomodeld folder

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3767346: TITLE: WOCompletionBar generated invalid HTML attributes.

ISSUE: WOCompletionBar generated invalid HTML attributes.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3809485: TITLE: Missing documentation for the deprecated setValueClassName method in EOAttribute.

ISSUE: The method setValueclassName() defined in the class EOAttribute was deprecated. However, there was no documentation suggesting any replacement methods.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.

3845748: TITLE: Dragging items from a table and dropping them out of a table crashed WOB.

ISSUE: Dragging and dropping items into/out of a table has been causing WebObjects Builder to crash. The workaround is to use copying and pasting with keyboard instead.

RESOLUTION: Drag and Drop support has been turned off by default. To enable Drag and Drop support, launch WebObjects Builder with the argument "-WBDragNDrop."

3935864: TITLE: Creating a new instance of WebObjects Application causes JavaMonitor to throw an exception.

ISSUE: Under certain circumstances, creating a new instance of WebObjects Application could make JavaMonitor throw a null pointer exception.

RESOLUTION: This issue has been resolved.


Published Date: Oct 11, 2016