Motion 2 features MIDI behavior, which allows you to edit and animate object parameters using the various controls (such as knobs, sliders, keys, and so on) on a standard MIDI device, such as a keyboard synthesizer.
You can "teach" Motion which control on the MIDI device manipulates what parameter to which the MIDI behavior is applied. Here are the different components of MIDI controller support in Motion 2. For more information, choose Motion User Manual from the Motion Help menu, and see the "MIDI" section in Chapter 5: Using Behaviors.
The Dashboard controls allow you to adjust the Control Type, ID, Value, Scale, and parameter assignment shown in the Inspector.
Control Type
Specifies the type of control being used on the MIDI device. The three available control types are Note, Controller, and Learning:
Displays the identification number of the MIDI control (the knob, slider, key, or what have you) that you are using.
When you manipulate the control, this displays the standard MIDI value between 0 and 1.
Increasing the Scale value multiplies the Value parameter in the MIDI behavior. This means that when Scale is increased, the MIDI control has a larger value range and a greater effect on the parameter it's controlling. For example, if you're using a knob to adjust an object's rotation and let's say the default rotation value range (when Scale is set to 1) for a full knob rotation is 30 percent, if you increase the Scale value to 13, the rotation value of a full knob turn will be increased to 370 degrees.
Apply To
The Apply To pop-up menu (parameter assignment control) shows the parameter being affected, and can be used to reassign the behavior to another parameter. The MIDI behavior is applied in the same way as all other Parameter behaviors.
Note: This behavior can only be used if you have a MIDI device properly connected to your computer.