After you install QuickTime 7 on your computer and install Final Cut Studio or other software that automatically installs a new QuickTime Pro Key, you may come across an issue where you're only able to save a file from your web browser as QuickTime content once before losing that ability. Though QuickTime Pro normally allows you to save any number of movies, you may suddenly see "Pro" icons appear in the shortcut menu next to the Save As QuickTime and Save As Source menu options.
If you choose Save As QuickTime, you'll see the following message, which suggests that you aren't using QuickTime Pro when you actually are:
As a temporary workaround, quit your web browser and then reopen it to reset the QuickTime Plug-in, allowing you to save another movie.
This does not occur with QuickTime Pro keys that are entered manually into the QuickTime pane of System Preferences.
This document will be updated when additional information is available.