Xsan 1.1: How to install on a computer that has no keyboard or monitor

You can install Xsan software on a computer that has no keyboard or monitor, known as a "headless" configuration. You can specify Xsan Admin, the Xsan Filesystem, or both. Here's how to do it.

Note: Installing or upgrading to the Xsan 1.1 filesystem will require you to restart the target computer. If you're concerned about maintaining productivity throughout the update procedure, you can learn more from the Xsan Migration Guide.

  1. Log in to a computer on the network that has a monitor and keyboard. If you are installing from an Xsan Install CD, insert the Xsan installation disc in this computer. If you are updating Xsan 1.0 or 1.0.1 using the downloadable upgrade packages, you can download the correct packages here:

    Xsan Update 1.1 for 10.4
    Xsan 1.1 Update for 10.3.9
    Xsan Admin 1.1 Update (10.3.9 or 10.4.1)

    Once the update package has been downloaded, open the disk image.

  2. Open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities).
  3. Execute one of the following Terminal commands, according to your installation preference, to copy the desired packages from the installation disc or updater disk image to the target computer. When doing so, replace <user> with a user name of an administrator of the target computer, and replace <remotehost> with the IP address or DNS name of the target computer.

    To copy both Xsan Admin and the Xsan Filesystem to either a 10.3.9 or 10.4.1 or later target computer, enter this:
    $ scp -r /Volumes/Xsan/Install_xsan.mpkg <user>@<remotehost>:/tmp/

    To copy Xsan Admin only from the installation disk, enter:
    $ scp -r /Volumes/Xsan/Admin Tools.localized/XsanAdmin.pkg <user>@<remotehost>:/tmp/

    To copy the Xsan Filesystem only from the installation disk to a 10.3.9 target computer, enter:
    $ scp -r /Volumes/Xsan/Install Xsan.mpkg/Contents/Installers/XsanPanther.pkg <user>@<remotehost>:/tmp/

    To copy the Xsan Filesystem only from the installation disk to a 10.4.1 or later target computer, enter:
    $ scp -r /Volumes/Xsan/Install Xsan.mpkg/Contents/Installers/XsanTiger.pkg <user>@<remotehost>:/tmp/

    To copy Xsan Admin only from the updater disk image, enter:
    $ scp -r /Volumes/Xsan\\ Admin\\ Update\\ 1.1/XsanAdmin.pkg/ <user>@<remotehost>:/tmp/

    To copy the Xsan Filesystem only from the updater disk image to a 10.3.9 target computer, enter:
    $ scp -r /Volumes/Xsan\\ File\\ System\\ Update\\ 1.1/XsanPanther.pkg/ <user>@<remotehost>:/tmp/

    To copy the Xsan Filesystem only from the updater disk image to a 10.4.1 or later target computer, enter:
    $ scp -r /Volumes/Xsan\\ File\\ System\\ Update\\ 1.1/XsanTiger.pkg/ <user>@<remotehost>:/tmp/

  4. Log in to the remote computer by typing:
    $ ssh <user>@<remotehost>

  5. Run the installer on the headless computer by entering the following command, replacing <packageName> with the name of the package you copied over in step 3 (Install_xsan.mpkg, XsanAdmin.pkg, XsanPanther.pkg, or XsanTiger.pkg). The verbose parameter is optional, but including it will allow you to see the installation's progress.
    $ sudo installer -verbose -pkg /tmp/<packageName> -target /

  6. After the installation is complete, execute the command:
    $ sudo restart
Published Date: Oct 7, 2016