ClarisWorks 4.0v5: Saving On 4GB Or Greater Volumes Issue

ClarisWorks 4.0v5 users receive a "Disk Full" error when attempting to save a file or library to a server volume with 2GB or more.

This document provides information about:

I. Installing the ClarisWorks 4.0v6 update
II. Issues addressed in v6
III. Issues addressed in previous releases
IV. New features
This issue has been corrected in ClarisWorks 4.0v6. An updater can be downloaded from Apple Software Updates online.

I. Installing The ClarisWorks 4.0V6 Update:
Before running the updater make sure all of your computer's System software extensions are turned off. To do this:

To update the ClarisWorks 4.0v5 product currently installed on your computer:

This v6 Updater addresses one issue from previous versions:

When attempting to save a file or library to a server volume with 2Gb or more free space, a "Disk is full." error would result.


To enable the Word Services command in the Edit:Writing Tools menu of the ClarisWorks word processor:
To select a Word Services application for use with ClarisWorks:

You can also use the Edit Word Services dialog to remove installed Word Services applications from the Writing Tools menu.

To use a Word Services application on a ClarisWorks word processing document, choose the appropriate menu item from the Writing Tools menu. This launches the Word Services application if is not already running. If you have text selected in the document, then the Word Services application checks the selection. Otherwise, the entire document is checked.

IV. NEW FEATURES (Prior versions - No New Features in 4.0v6)
Release 4.0v4 added several new features, including:

Note: There is no 4.0v6 updater for any language besides US-English. For all locales, this issue is resolved in version 5.0.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012