There are four different software updates available for Xsan 1.2. These updates apply to Mac OS X client and Server versions 10.3.9 and later.
The following updates are available for Xsan 1.2, which can be installed using Software Update or by downloading a standalone update installer from Apple Downloads:
- Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.4
- Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.3.9
Of the two updates above, you only need to install the one that corresponds to your operating system version.
- Xsan Admin 1.2 Update
Required for Xsan 1.2 administration (and is also recommended for Xsan 1.0 administration) and only needs to be installed on admin computers.
- Xsan 1.2 Uninstaller
Important Notes- Read Before Continuing
- Before Installation
For the Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.3.9 and the Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.4, you must already be running Xsan 1.0.1 or 1.1. If you're still on Xsan 1.0, stop now and update to 1.1 before continuing.
- After Installation
To avoid a certain stability issue over the long term, you should run the cvfsck command on each Xsan volume, after the MDCs have been updated with Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.3.9 or Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.4. Before continuing, please see the full explanation here.
- Metadata Controller (MDC) software version
Whether you are running Panther or Tiger systems, your MDCs must always have software versions (both Xsan and Mac OS) that are equal to or more recent than the most recent client versions. Specifically, that means: If any client in your Xsan network is running Xsan 1.2 on Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later, then your metadata controllers (MDCs) must also be updated to Xsan 1.2 on Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later; If any client in your Xsan network is running Xsan 1.2 on Mac OS X 10.3.9, then the MDC must run Xsan 1.2 on 10.3.9.
Software Update Installation
Software Update may have referred you to this document. For more information on using this feature, see "Mac OS X: Updating your software ."
Because some updates are prerequisites for others, you may need to use Software Update more than once to get all available updates.
Standalone Installer
A standalone installer is also available from
Apple Downloads.
Remote Installation
If you need to install the update on a remote computer, you can do so using the "softwareupdate" command-line tool.
System Hardware Requirements
- Xserve or Xserve G5
- Power Mac G4 (dual 800MHz or faster)
- Power Mac G5 (any model)
Storage Network Requirements
- Apple Fibre Channel PCI, PCI-X, or PCI Express Card
Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.4.3 or later
This update delivers overall improved reliability for Xsan and is recommended for all systems running 10.4.3 or later. It includes fixes for:
- Improving AFP performance when resharing Xsan volumes
- More accurate file permissions when sharing Xsan volumes via AFP
- Accessing Xsan volumes larger than 16 terabyte in size
- Greater server stability when resharing Xsan volumes via NFS
- Handling quotas with no associated user or group name
- Maintaining access to Xsan volumes when metadata controller failovers occur
- Providing metadata controller services to 10.3.9 and 10.4 systems running Xsan 1.2
- Operating Xsan in environments with a mix of 10.3.9 and 10.4 systems
- Reporting the creation dates for Xsan Volumes
Software requirements for this update are:
- Mac OS X Server 10.4.3 or later
- Mac OS X 10.4.3 or later
- Xsan 1.0.1 or 1.1
Xsan 1.2 Update for 10.3.9
This update delivers overall improved reliability for Xsan and is recommended for all systems running 10.3.9. It includes fixes for:
- Greater server stability when resharing Xsan volumes via NFS
- Handling quotas with no associated user or group name
- Maintaining access to Xsan volumes when metadata controller
- Operating Xsan in environments with a mix of 10.3.9 and 10.4 systems
Software requirements for this update are:
- Mac OS X Server 10.3.9
- Mac OS X 10.3.9
- Xsan 1.0.1 or 1.1
Xsan Admin 1.2 Update
This update delivers overall improved reliability for remotely administering, configuring and maintaining Xsan deployments. It includes fixes for:
- Working with multiple Xsan metadata controllers in a heterogeneous environment
- Labeling Fibre Channel LUNs and creating new Xsan volumes
- Displaying progress messages while performing lengthy operations
- Preventing manually modified configuration settings from being overwritten during a save
- Accurately reporting Fibre Channel multipathing errors
Xsan 1.2 Uninstaller
This uninstaller will remove Xsan from your computer. It will also remove the Xsan Admin Application and documentation files.
Before removing Xsan, you should back up all of your data and volumes, and unmount all Xsan volumes.
Xsan 1.2 Administrators can continue to reference the Xsan 1.1 documentation, which you can get here.