Final Cut Pro 5: If language is set to Japanese, duplicate Capture Presets if you can‘t capture video

If you're using Final Cut Pro 5 with Japanese as the top language in the International pane of System Preferences, in some cases you may be unable to capture video as expected when using a standard Easy Setup. In such cases, you may be able to control your video deck, but you see a "Preview Disabled" message in the Log and Capture window instead of video. You may also see that the frame rate and digitizer type are set incorrectly in the Capture Preset.

If this happens to you, create a duplicate of the Capture Preset and then make adjustments to that copy to enable capture.

For example, if you're trying to capture DVCPPRO HD 1080i60 footage from a Panasonic AJ-HD1200A over FireWire, make a copy of the 1080i60 DVCPRO HD Easy Setup, then change the settings for anything that displays incorrectly, as shown here:

Reinstalling QuickTime may also address similar issues. Click here for more information.

For more information on creating and modifying Capture Presets, see the Final Cut Pro User's Manual, located in the Help menu.

This document will be updated as more information becomes available.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012